
The Need

The Need

Did you know that an estimated 30-50% of our world’s population lacks access to basic surgical care? Or that a significant percentage of deaths in these countries can be prevented by routine surgeries that we take for granted? It is no wonder that, because of this, surgery has been called the “neglected stepchild of public global health”!

With your help, we can change that!

How We Help

How We Help

At Global Surgical Expedition, we send medical teams to underserved countries across the world and provide surgeries that change lives.

But, we need your help to continue serving these countries.

Your Support

Your Support

When you donate to Global Surgical Expedition, 85% of funds go directly to the equipment and resources needed to send mission teams to underserved countries. We use less than 15% of donations to provide administration and fundraising costs.

With GSE, you’ll always know where your donations go. Watch the stories of each mission as it unfolds. Send messages of encouragement to the medical volunteers as they deliver surgeries.

Be a part of the journey with us!

Please consider supporting GSE and helping us change lives. Donate today!