Annual Reports

From the Executive Director


Dear GSE Supporters,

It is my pleasure to write to you for the first time as the Executive Director of Global Surgical Expedition. Over the last several years, it has become clear that there is great potential for GSE to significantly increase its impact, and now is the moment to act on that.

Over the last six months of 2023, we constructed a GSE 5-Year Strategic Plan to create a sustainable organizational future, to expand our operations into more countries, and to transform more lives around the world. In 2023 alone, we sent nine medical teams to Central America and Africa, providing 117 surgeries, each of which made one life infinitely better. We established a presence in Botswana and made our first trip to Honduras. Now we need to “grow” both these new programs, and we need to add more countries where we know that GSE can make a significant difference – countries where we’ve already made the first connections.

I’m proud to report that with your support GSE has now treated more than 1,500 patients and provided more than 600 surgeries. All these efforts are a reflection of our commitment to collaboration, both with our local partners abroad and also many other dedicated non-profit organizations all working toward the similar goal of delivering surgeries to those in need.

Your support makes all this possible and I am deeply grateful. As you look through this report, I hope you’ll feel proud of our successes and the life-changing surgeries you helped us carry out. I hope, too, that you’ll feel the building momentum of an organization that is growing and stands on the cusp of doing much, much more. We’re grateful for your continued support.


With heartfelt thanks,

David E. Rapp, MD, Founder and Executive Director