Success Stories

Founded on the belief that stories of inspiration are everywhere, GSE strives to be a storyteller. Watch the stories of courageous patients and dedicated health care professionals coming together to achieve health and happiness. Join us on our journey and please enjoy these remarkable stories!

The GSE Story

The GSE story began in 2012 with a mission to provide surgeries to men and women in underserved nati Read More >

GSE Global Surgery Program

See what an international global surgery experience is all about! Global Surgical Expedition's ed Read More >

Urogynecology Trip, Rwanda

Watch the amazing story of GSE in Rwanda. Dr. Quinn Lippmann works to provide surgical training to m Read More >

Shaphan and GSE’s Journey to US for Complex Surgeries

Watch the amazing story of a GSE out-of-country surgery! In some cases, visiting GSE surgeons encoun Read More >

Urogynecology Surgery Trip, Belize

An amazing week of surgery to help inspiration men and women in Belize suffering from devastating di Read More >

Urology Surgery Trip, Belize

Come along with our team and watch GSE's amazing journey to provide surgery in Belize! Read More >

Complications of Childbirth

Each year more 500,000 women across the world die from pregnancy-related causes. This tragedy is on Read More >

Meet Kimberly

Kimberly is a bright and energetic woman who suffered her whole life. From the first time that she c Read More >

The Story of Fistula

The story of fistula is almost always the same. It is common. And, it is told far too many times.  Read More >